3 min read

[Weekly Retro] Don’t fall into the innovation traps

#65 - Sep.2024

Happy Friday!

💡 Here is a quick idea before you head off to the weekend:

Don’t fall into the innovation traps.

I’ve felt the pressure to always innovate. But not every problem needs a new solution. Sometimes, a simple and quick fix is the best option.

Keep the problem at the center of your thinking.

Innovation without a strategy is aimless. Without a clear goal, you might solve the wrong problem.

Innovation takes time. Don’t sacrifice long-term success for quick wins.

✉️ Post from this week

This week I wrote a long post on how businesses evaluate and buy tech solutions. I included core principles from crafting 100+ proposals:

How businesses buy tech solutions: crafting great proposals
Lessons to craft tech proposals that stand out.

Not yet a subscriber? Join others for free and get practical insights on design, tech innovation, and creativity. Get inspiration to lead your next innovation!

🧑🏻‍🏫 Concept worth knowing

Small language models

A small language model (SLM) is a lightweight generative AI model. The label “small” in this context refers to the size of the model’s neural network, the number of parameters the model uses to make a decision, and the volume of data the model is trained on.

Read more here: What is a Small Language Model (SLM)

🛠️ Tools and resources

Customer journeys are one of the best tools to create empathy and understand a problem. But, do you know how to build one and where to start? I created a free e-book deconstructing 5 key components of a customer journey and how you can build now today. Check it out!

Hacker plants false memories in ChatGPT to steal user data in perpetuity
Emails, documents, and other untrusted content can plant malicious memories.
Card Sorting: Uncover Users’ Mental Models
In a card-sorting study, users organize topics into groups. Use this research method to create an information architecture that suits your users’ expectations.
GPT Actions library - Google Drive | OpenAI Cookbook
Open-source examples and guides for building with the OpenAI API. Browse a collection of snippets, advanced techniques and walkthroughs. Share your own examples and guides.

🖋️ Quote of the week

“Good writing is just downstream from clear thinking” – Sam Altman
César Rodríguez
César Rodríguez
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