3 min read

2023 Recap

#92 - Dec.2023

2023 was an intense year. Technology breakthroughs, heartbreaking war conflicts, visible effects of climate change, and an unstable economy. So much to reflect on yet an opportunity for new beginnings in 2024.

Through the blog, I was able to explore many perspectives on design, product innovation, and creativity. The nuances of customers and overall human behavior, the importance of observation and managing expectations, and the complexity of emotions & mental models.

On how to build great products I shared techniques, insights on the lifecycle of products, and the role of people leading product innovations. AI was at the center of many tech news in 2023. ChatGPT, OpenAI, and LLMs were all terms that became known to most people. I shared my thoughts on what this means for the new generation of digital products and the important pillars of building AI-based solutions, such as trust and AI design principles.

Design, as a practice, was the bonding agent of most content. Deeply understanding what we want to solve, empathy, and techniques for generating solutions are core skills for any type of tech innovation.

As a wrap-up, here are the most read posts of 2023:

Inside the Box
Before you “Think out of the box” you need to know “what’s in your box”. Ideas on innovation, lateral thinking, and context understanding.
Who wrote this?
The increasing trend in AI, and in particular, Large Language Models such as ChatGPT, opens an interesting debate on accuracy and creativity.
Words matters
In design, wording matters. The way you frame a problem or a solution can constrain innovation.
#72 - Knowledge bites on tech innovation, design, and creativity. On strategic intuition for decision-making.
Mental models
#74 - Knowledge bites on tech innovation, design, and creativity. On mental models on the design of products & services.

I wish you all a Happy 2024 and looking forward to continue connecting with you!