1 min read

Our creative voice

#21 - Sep.2021

There are tons of books about finding your craft. But Sean Tucker's approach to addressing this complex topic left me with lots of insights.

His recent book "The Meaning in the Making" explores one simple idea: what moves us towards creating? I'm sure that at some point in your life you also had these sorts of questions on what's our real purpose and questioning your creative voice.

Independent of the tools we use to express ourselves - painting, music, photography,...code - we all look to have an authentic way of sharing our craft. But, what does being authentic mean, and why do we seek this in the first place?

Sean shares great insights on how our creative force could be linked back to our desire to be part of a whole (our contribution to society) and how we constantly - as humans - try to bring order to chaos. And is precisely this constant fight towards ordering chaos that eventually keeps us moving/seeking for more.

Being authentic is about being true to ourselves. Creativity requires making intentional space. Our craft should be a constant balance between our rational and feelings. We should embrace our shadows, they are a key component of our true expression. These and other profound ideas mixed with philosophical provocations are covered by Sean's book. Very recommended read.

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