2 min read

Experimental design

#77 - Aug.2023

Navigating in a world of uncertainty and experiences that are not deterministic - such as the ones offered by AI-powered products - might be challenging for designers.

Design in this new context becomes more experimental. While uncertainty is embedded by nature in all design methodologies, uncertainty is now part of the very same experiences that we are designing.

Experiences in the new generation of digital products are driven by foundational models where uncertainty is part of the equation. And users are not yet ready for this type of experience.

They count on us — the people who are designing, developing, and improving such products.

Experimentation is at the core of any innovation. Yet this new technology wave takes experimentation to the next level. It means thriving through uncertainty. It means being at ease with failure.

Experimental design has never been so important to understand, model, and evaluate outcomes.

This a new era where we all need to be some sort of scientists. Experiment!