2 min read

Focal point

#112 - Jun.2024

Most visual arts share a common concept that artist use in their masterpieces: a focal point.

The focal point is what attracts the eye. Everything orbits around the focal point. It's what creates mystery, wonder, and a sense of cohesion.

Think about any great painting or a photography shot. They all look to highlight a focal point. A subject. An area of high contrast. A form.

I like using this analogy when designing new products. Designing a new feature is a form of expression of our creativity, just like art.

Products need a focal point too. A clear and intuitive value proposition. It's the anchor that all other experiences orbit around. It's what makes your product memorable and unique.

Having a focal point is key to creating connections with people. When there is no focal point, people feel lost. They don’t get it. Artists are very aware of this and they iterate to remove distractions.

In your product, the focal point is what drives your strategy. It brings focus. It decommoditize your offering and is a great tool for prioritization.

Look for the story you’d like customers to remember about your product. What do want them to feel? What would they tell others? That’s your focal point.

Think like an artist.