1 min read

Generative AI

#53 - Mar.2023

Similar to the disruption in conversational experiences, AI is now creating art. Generative AI art is getting traction but is interesting to think about what this means for our creative confidence.

This type of art is a result of AI models trained by billions of images across the internet. When prompted through text, these applications are capable to diffuse multiple images into what seems a novel picture. The results are quite impressive.

The open debate: can consider this art? Are these tools "creative" by themselves? As it scales, where can we draw the line between human and AI-based creativity?  

I am not sure we even need to draw a line. The creative act is much broader than just the end result (a song, a photograph, a watercolor, etc). Is the story behind why you want to express yourself in a particular way; is the crafting process; is the timing of knowing when to release a piece of art.

There are so many nuances that I don't feel AI, and to that extent, any other tech tool will completely replace human creativity. These are augmentation tools that will help us express ourselves in new ways.

Even if new roles start emerging (e.g. imagine a future with AI-prompt designers), the intention & story behind any piece of art will continue to have a human touch...or at least this is what I look forward to.

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