2 min read

Good ideas

#116 - Aug.2024

How do you know you are not discarding good ideas too early?

Looking back, I’ve lost many good ideas throughout the way. Most of them too early. I looked at them through the lens of the risks and constraints without exploring their potential.

But new ideas are fragile. They need nurturing and care. 

The best ideas that my team and I have developed are the ones we trusted in the potential rather than the limitations.

Some of the best ideas don’t have many fans at the beginning. They seem odd and unconventional. They break the rules. They face the resistance of the “it won’t work”.

But if you truly believe in the potential, nurture them with persistence (to socialize it with others) and curiosity (to experiment and iterate).

Ideas grow through iterations and friction. Don’t drop them at the first sign of “no”.