1 min read

Improve your design

#57 - Apr.2023

Any design process requires an in-depth understanding of who you are designing for, the problem you are solving, and how likely the solution fits the problem. Here are 3 things you can do now to increase your chances of success in your next design journey:

  • Understand your customer: sound familiar, right? Yet, many times we fail to identify who is the customer and understand their needs. Use empathy as your north star. Follow their journey. Learn from their workarounds. Create trust bonds and listen actively.
  • Discover opportunities: prioritizing which specific problem to solve is a mix of outcome-driven decisions and good instincts. Map your assumptions, link your opportunities to the outcomes you want to achieve, and experiment.
  • Validate: design is about validating your hypothesis and being humble enough to discard it if needed. There are many validation techniques based on what you are trying to test. Be open-minded. Let the data and learnings speak for themselves.

Apply these 3 approaches and you will be better positioned to serve your customers and innovate on their behalf.

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