1 min read

Inside the Box

#52 - Feb.2023

"Think out of the box" is a very common cliché when teams are searching for novel and disruptive ideas.

Is a way of challenging the status quo, bringing lateral thinking, and exploring new ways of doing things. But to break the rules, you need to know them first. You need to know "what's in your box" before thinking out of it.

You need to understand the music cannons to find new harmonies; you need to know meter in poetry to write modern verses; you need to extensively use a design framework before you think you need a new one.

It is by understanding these constraints that you can find better ways of doing things. These limitations will then show you the exit doors to discover unexplored options.

As humans, we are always driven by new ideas and it might be tempting to just change your tools, framework, or environment to solve a problem. But before you search for the next "new thing", understand your context today. Sometimes solutions are closer than your think.

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