1 min read


#72 - Jul.2023

We live in a fast-paced world. Technology, business models, and customer behaviors evolve day after day. The standard from yesterday is obsolete today.

This constant change forces us to look into new skills for decision-making, especially when lacking data or previous experiences. We are now challenged to do bets into the unknown and look around corners.

In this new context, intuition and strategic thinking become closer friends. Designing our plans and goals is now a combination of data, previous experience, and strategic intuition. Different from what you might expect, this is rather a slow thinking process nurtured by what you consume, observe, and reflect on. An insight can surprise you at any time. Awareness is key.

Through revisiting situations that you have personally experienced and also information you captured through memory, you start building connections towards insights & solutions. It is slow, unexpected, and random, yet requires actively being conscious of your thoughts.

What might seem like instinctive thinking is actually a recombination of your own ideas, experiences, and observations. Foster curiosity within your own mind.

If this idea makes sense to you feel free to share it with others who might be interested in this topic. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to subscribe or follow me on Twitter for future posts and weekly retros.