2 min read

Invisible AI

#101 - Mar.2024

Apple is losing the AI race.

Or is this part of a (very) intentional design strategy? 

On one side we have companies that opt to turn AI as part of their product story. Their narratives are full of references to how AI is infused across all features. Embracing AI is part of their identity.

On the other side, where Apple is, we have companies that turn AI invisible. By design, they choose to highlight the ease of each experience rather than the technology behind it. 

Apple didn't mention AI once during the last WWDC keynote. 

This is a deliberate choice.

A choice to frame technology as an enable, not as the protagonist of the experience. A choice of focusing all the attention on what you can achieve through technology.

As a company, you can still embrace a disruptive technology without making it the foundation of all your promise. In fact, Apple offers many AI-enabled features - from smart photography, to live text recognition, and even voice digital cloning. 

To be clear, my point is not about mentioning or not AI but rather the mindset of making technology invisible in favor of what matters: a good, consistent, and seamless experience. 

Technology is key to orchestrating a great experience. But should not be the soloist of your product.

The AI race is on!