2 min read

Less and better

#111 - Jun.2024

Do less. Do it better. 

It might sound counterintuitive in today’s culture where we value speed, quick decision-making, and multitasking.

Everything is trying to get your attention: joining meetings, creating artifacts, engaging with people, reviewing documents, evaluate options. 

But crafting great products requires thinking deeply into the problem you are solving and obsessing over details. 

A mindset of quality over quantity. 

It starts with making the space for this type of deep work. It is changing the mindset from navigating superficially and embracing the effort of deep thinking, reflecting, and identifying the connecting points.

We underrate the value of pausing. 

Is precisely in these moments of reflections were you are able to discover insights and refine your thinking.

It starts with being ruthless in prioritizing your time - becoming an owner of how you invest your attention which is a finite asset for knowledge work. 

Over time, quality work becomes exponential in terms of the value you deliver. What might seem like working less is, in fact, a lever for productivity. 

Less but better. Sustain your work for the long run.