2 min read


#107 - May.2024

“If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.”

But what should we measure?

We all struggle to find the right metrics to track. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve debated with my team on why we should use this metric over this other.

It’s easy to fall into the belief that the more you track the better.  

When this happens I find it useful to refocus on what we can actually control and how connected is with the outcome we expect. Anything that does not meet both criteria is just context information.

I like to see metrics as pure data points. Datapoints can lead you to an insight, but in isolation, they are just numbers. They are signals.

The magic is in how you correlate them, probe them (through anecdotes and feedback from customers), and use them to find new opportunities.

Any metric that does not lead you to actions is just noise.