1 min read

Mix & balance

#20 - Aug.2021

One of the most fascinating aspects of technology is its combinational nature. Great innovations usually come from several iterations of mixing and balancing disruptive technologies instead of a single and novel idea. From the printing machine to the personal computer all these inventions are a result of leveraging multiple technologies, compounding the value that each one could generate on its own.

These iterations are not always clear and comprehensible in the short term; a great example is the recent growth of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). People are going crazy understanding how NFTs - driven by blockchain technology - are becoming a marketplace where people are open to paying millions for a piece of art.

But zooming out you'll start to see a lot of questions & opportunities on how this mix of technologies could change our future. How could this change the way we envision art? How could this democratize the way creators share/sell their content? What will ownership mean in a digital world? How might this change the way finance/investments work? How might we regulate a fast-paced and decentralized system? How does this connect with our concerns about caring about our planet?

Each of these questions might be a branch of a new set of iterations of mixing & balancing other technologies to solve these challenges. I'm looking forward to observing & contributing to such innovations.

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