1 min read

New value chains

#23 - Dec.2021

Lately, I've been thinking about the opportunities that the new Web 3.0 evolution could bring to the way how to connect, engage and create.

A decentralized internet, the core idea behind Web 3.0, radically changes the way we understand today's common concepts like ownership, regulations, and royalties.

A digitalized and creative-based economy changes paradigms on how to generate and consume value; it lowers the entry bar for anyone open to share their work and contribute to a particular (digital) tribe.

The rise of NFTs boosting the generative art market is just the tip of the iceberg; digital ownership and smart contracts can be the building blocks of more complex value chains.

Of course, there is a huge work ahead of us to balance all these opportunities vs. more important issues like climate change given the high energy demand of Web 3.0 core engine: blockchain.

Nevertheless, the benefits of an economy where value can easily be digitally interchanged can be one of the ways we can reach a more equitable world.

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