1 min read

Sketch your notes

Try to express your ideas through simple drawings.

#3 - May.2021

There is something magical when you get out of the traditional way of note-taking - bullet points, lists, etc - and try to express your ideas through simple drawings.

There is a good amount of scientific evidence on how art, in all forms, enhances brain function. In my experience, sketching as a proxy for note-taking - when reviewing books, researching, and meetings - definitely works like a boost for deep thinking.

My book notes on Leonardo da Vinci (Walter Isaacson)

Is not a matter of making good or bad sketches but simply relying on images instead of plain words - or mixing both. It's interesting how the brain retains much more details and connections between your ideas. This is known by psychologists as the “drawing effect”.

Give it a try - is not only useful but fun!

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