1 min read

“The universe is made of stories, not of atoms”

#27 - Mar.2022

Muriel Rukeyser was right in this quote.

Is amazing how stories are profoundly connected to our human nature. Is a key element of what makes us humans and a building block of our daily lives.

What makes storytelling so compelling? I think some part of it is related to our desire of bringing order to chaos. We all constantly search for ways how to connect the dots across randomness. A good story can bring clarity to this chaos. It can inspire. it moves us forward. It generates change.

Mere facts do not have this same effect. Storytelling requires facts & emotions to have a deeper connection on how we engage with a narrative and, as a result, drives empathic thinking.  

This is a powerful tool for our work and our personal lives. You can start by practicing narratives focusing on the "why" of things; using metaphors to frame a topic; connecting impact and purpose when proposing a plan.

Let's use more stories.

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