1 min read

Tasks not roles

#66 - Jun.2023

This is what technology really eliminates through automation.

If you look through each technology wave in history you will notice a similar pattern: repetitive tasks being automated through emerging technologies moving human capabilities into more specialized skills. But while tasks can be replaced by technology, ownership, and responsibilities linked to work roles are less likely to be impacted by such innovations - and this becomes then an opportunity.

While roles are usually an organizational construct, they are related to the key outcomes you want to achieve, not the number of tasks you accomplish. Tasks are just the tactical path to get there.

A sense of ownership and purpose drives meaningful work. Is with this perspective that you define your outcomes: innovate on behalf of customers, find the best solution to your client,  make a production process more efficient and sustainable, etc.

Whenever I hear news about jobs replacements, as the new anticipated wave through AI, it makes me think how we can ensure jobs are linked to value-added roles instead of pure tasks. Sure, AI and, to that extend any future technology, would likely replace tasks. But roles will still be there as long as worthwhile and valuable work is needed.

So the real question is: how you can leverage such innovations to make your role more effective?

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