2 min read

The courage to say Thank You

#114 - Jul.2024

"Thank you goes a long way"

This was the reply from Seth Godin to an email I sent him back in 2015.

Yes. I email him to ask for advice.

Yes. He made the time to reply to me.

I was working on a design challenge connecting people from very different backgrounds to contribute to a set of social innovation challenges in Brazil.

I was looking for advice on what was the best way to reward people who, voluntarily, were giving their time to contribute to solving such problems.

In his simple reply, Seth reminded me of the basics: it is always about human connections.

People want to feel appreciated.

People want to be seen as contributors to something worth the time.

Gratitude is an unlimited asset that we can always give to others.

We often underestimate the power of a simple "Thank You".

A "Thank you" when you genuinely care for others.

A "Thank you" when acknowledging that you're vulnerable.

A "Thank you" that connects you to others.

Take the courage to say "Thank you".