2 min read

The next dot

#105 - Apr.2024

We all run out of ideas. 

Don’t feel bad for your lack of creativity in what seems today’s abundance of information. 

We often feel blocked in the middle of a torrent of content around us. We struggle to find the best way to contribute - but every option seems meaningless. 

I personally face this situation often. The lack of inspiration brings back the self-doubt of my skills. I start questioning everything and if what I’m doing worth the effort. 

We might just need one more step forward.

When I feel like this, I like to remember that we might be closer to the next connecting dot. I just don’t see it, yet. If I just give one step forward… 

Try your next sketch (even if it's not inspiring) 

Write the next sentence (even if doesn’t make sense)

Share your next contribution (even if is not as disruptive as others)

Read through the next page (even if you think you are not a good reader)

Move forward. 

You might be closer than you think to your next big idea. 

You just don’t see it.
