1 min read


#63 - May.2023

Trust is foundational for any economy. It has been human currency since we started exchanging things. We create social and business bonds by trusting others.

Institutions build their branding by creating awareness of how trustful they are. At the origin of the consumption era, trust was built over physical products which were built to last, or at least under the promise to do so. These bonds were created slowly, at every purchase.

The digital era brought this same concept at the scale and speed of digital products and services, adding more complex nuances such as the affinity between customer values or shared causes.

Trust was important then - and it is now, more than ever.

In an AI-driven economy, experiences are built through each interaction. You might have only one single chance to show yourself as a trustworthy business. Trust bonds are now volatile. Customers now deposit their trust in algorithms and their capacity to take decisions aligned with their expectations and values.

Data is now at the center of the creation of new trust bonds. Customers are entitled to own their data and they will trust in your product based on your capacity to keep your promise of transparency, privacy, security, and reliability.

Design for trust.

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