3 min read

[Weekly Retro] Making the space for creativity

#64 - Sep.2024

Happy Friday!

💡 Here is a quick idea before you head off to the weekend:

Inspiration comes from the Latin word inspirare, meaning “to breathe life into.”

Just as we breathe air, we must breathe in experiences to fuel our creativity.

We can get inspired at any moment, but we need to be receptive. Insights often come from unexpected events, sparking lateral thinking.

Just as we need space to breathe in, we must create mental space to allow new ideas to flow in.

The quality of what you consume - be it knowledge, art, or relationships - directly shapes what you create.

Nurture your mind with rich, meaningful experiences.

🧑🏻‍🏫 Concept I learned

Evolution Paths applied to ASI.

The evolution of complex adaptive systems, such as those found in nature, occurs through Blind Variation and Selective Retention (BVSR). This process, driven by countless genetic mutations in each generation, sometimes results in an organism better suited to its environment. Applied to ASI, this path envisions a gradual and uncontrolled development driven by ASI's assembly capacity to (i) exist long enough and (ii) to reproduce with mutations. This could mean that ASI systems develop increasingly sophisticated and autonomous capabilities over time, potentially leading to profound transformations in various sectors, from healthcare to transportation and beyond.

Read more from an interesting article: Evolutionary Insights: Shaping the Path of Artificial Superintelligence

🛠️ Tools and resources

Customer journeys are one of the best tools to create empathy and understand a problem. But, do you know how to build one and where to start? I created a free e-book deconstructing 5 key components of a customer journey and how you can build now today. Check it out!

Product Leaders: Here Are 5 Situations That Require Adapting Your Leadership Style — Petra Wille
Being a good product leader does not mean that you should respond the same way to every situation you encounter. In fact, the sign of a great leader is knowing when to adapt your approach to maximize your team’s long-term development.
A possible AI future
Persistent, connected and kind. Most visions of the internet in 1995 were about individuals interacting with content online. It turns out that the internet (inter plus net) is actually about connec…

source: xkcd

🖋️ Quote of the week

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell, 1984
César Rodríguez
César Rodríguez
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