[Weekly Retro] 4 Core Ingredients for a Solid Strategy
#206 - Feb.2025
Hi there!
💡 Here is a quick idea before you head off to the weekend:
4 core ingredients for a solid Strategy (from Seth Godin's "This is Strategy" book):
- Understanding Systems - They set the rules of the game. They mold culture and, while you can change them, they are strong driving forces. The starting point is knowing how each system works.
- Perspective of Time - It's about having a perspective different from common understanding: the long-run. Focusing your energies on the conditions that will set you up for success in the future. Each step, as small it might seem, set the path for the next one.
- Playing the Game - In games, a single move can make you win or lose. The same applies to innovation: it's accompanied by uncertainty and the open question "might this work?". It's about understanding your deck and playing the best card given your odds to win. If you lose, you learn and iterate.
- The Power of Empathy - This is the pulling force that will attract your customers. Not just any customer, but rather the customers you are willing to serve. This starts with clearly defining who these customers are.
Tactics change all the time.
Tactics are not your strategy.
Your strategy is an intentional direction. An intentional decision to say 'yes’ to customers you want to serve, understanding the context, and making a genuine effort to serve them in a memorable way.
✈️ This week
I spent this week in Seattle! It was a great opportunity to connect in person with my team - we all work from different places. Very insightful week.

🎧 Podcast I’m listening
Jake Knapp - Click - How to make what people want
👨🏻💻 Interesting links
Beyond the Double Diamond: AI’s Challenge to Design Thinking
For 20 years, the Double Diamond has helped us crack tough problems, offering structure and clarity when we needed it most. But with AI now…

🖋️ Quote of the week
“If you and your team aren’t saying this might not work in service of innovation, you’re not innovating.” – Seth Godin