2 min read

[Weekly Retro] A product team

#32 - Jan.2024

Hi all! Hope you had a good year start.

Here is a quick idea for the weekend:

A few things to keep in mind to build a strong product team:  

  • Align the vision & strategy
  • Create the discipline to frequently connect with customers 
  • Review time allocation to focus on the right things
  • Create useful mechanisms to keep accountability
  • Use actionable product metrics for decision-making 
  • Create space to innovate through new ideas

But also consider: 

  • Build empathy for the different working styles within the team
  • Promote people connections to build trust
  • Allow autonomy to make decisions & experiment
  • Celebrate your wins and reflect on your misses
  • Acknowledge the value of everyone's contributions

It's about processes. It's about people. It's about creating things that matter.

Book I'm reading:

The Practice: Shipping Creative Work by Seth Godin.

Interesting links I found during this week:

Quote of the week:

“Relationship is a mirror in which you can see yourself, not as you would wish to be, but as you are” ― Krishnamurti