[Weekly Retro] Design and context
#3 - Jun.2023
Happy Friday!
A quick idea before you head off for the weekend:
Design is highly dependent on the medium and context you are working in. Any creative process, from ideation to realization, is influenced by these factors, and while we cannot always anticipate great products as outcomes, you can increase your chances of delivering something valuable. In-depth understanding of the medium and context is then key during the creative process.
This is the understanding the Bauhaus School was continuously searching for when designing furniture, buildings, and fonts. This is what Design Thinking promotes when combining business acumen and technology. This is what Apple's recent principles on spatial design - a new medium and context - are now exploring.
As builders of products, we are all called to understand - through curiosity and a beginner's mind - the medium and context we are working in to better serve our customers' needs. What can you do today to promote such curiosity?
Interesting links I found during this week:
- About the impact of AI on how we build products
- About the creative process, from a recent interview with Jony Ive
- Diving deep into Apple's design principles for spatial design
Tools I'm exploring:
- AWS Bedrock and SageMaker. A Cloud Guru offers a good introductory course for this technology.
Quote from the week:
"Nature has a great simplicity and therefore a great beauty.” — Richard P. Feynman