[Weekly Retro] Focus and strategy
#40 - Mar.2024
Happy Friday and International Women's Day!
💡 Here is a quick idea before you head off for the weekend:
Focus is what sustains any strategy.
I’ve failed many times to realize this. It’s easy to assume that a strong strategy is only based on bold problems & opportunities.
But strategy without focus is good intentions without direction.
When everything becomes a priority, then nothing really is.
Start from a vision. Derive your path through a strong strategy. Prioritize & focus on the concrete actions to optimize your tactics.
✉️ Post from this week
How do you design a product to serve 20+ countries? Through my experience, I’ve noticed some common trends that - when you have the discipline to adopt them - will increase your chances of success:

👨🏻💻 Interesting links I found during this week

🖋️ Quote of the week:
"Everything that your audience, customers, and network see starts with writing." - Dan Koe on skills if you want to thrive in the next 10 years