[Weekly Retro] Frameworks
#46 - Apr.2024
Happy Friday!
💡 Here is a quick idea before you head off for the weekend:
Impact eat frameworks for lunch.
Don’t get stuck in a particular framework or methodology. Mold them into your reality and context.
While conceptual frameworks are great inspiration for problem solving they are not a one-size-fits recipe.
Focus on the impact you want to create, use and adapt the frameworks, and don’t limit your creativity to find innovative solutions.
✉️ Post from this week
This week I wrote about a simple questions you can use to check if you really understand the problem you are solving:
#104 - Knowledge bites on tech innovation, design, and creativity. You’ll find that if you can’t answer the question of who will be impacted by not delivering what you are building, chances are, you don’t understand the problem yet.

✉️ Podcast I'm listening
👨🏻💻 Interesting links I found during this week
How to accelerate growth by focusing on the features you already have
Introducing the ARIA framework

AI Product Management | Silicon Valley Product Group
A partnership dedicated to teaching best practices to product teams and product leaders

Why it seems like the sky is falling for digital design
And how to come out of the storm stronger.

🖋️ Quote of the week:
“My methodology is not knowing what I'm doing and making that work for me.” - Stone Gossard