1 min read

[Weekly Retro] Hypothesis-driven design

# 15 - Sep.2023

Happy Friday and Happy Independence day for everyone in Central America!

Here is a quick idea before you head off for the weekend:

Anticipating what you want to learn from customers early in the design process makes your discovery work more effective.

Making a hypothesis of what you expect as a result of a pilot/MLP product launch gives you focus (what outcomes do you expect?), helps you anticipate the right data points (what data I need to confirm this?), and helps you make better questions (why this is valuable for customers?)

Things to take into account when creating a hypothesis:

  • Consider the specific context of users
  • Think about the behavior you expect from users
  • Define the measurable outcome you expect
  • Prepare the data sources to measure the outcomes

Interesting links I found during this week:

Quote of the week:

"Life is what happens to you, while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon.