3 min read

[Weekly Retro] Make Universal Design actionable

#62 - Sep.2024

Happy Friday!

💡 Here is a quick idea before you head off to the weekend:

Adopting universal design isn’t just about sharing its core principles with your team.

You need to make them actionable.

  • Connect these principles to your processes.
  • Embed them in your product artifacts.
  • Turn them into mechanisms that can be tracked and measured.
  • Include them in the agenda of your design review meetings

Make them explicit.

Otherwise they are just good intentions.

Designing for everyone is challenging. But remember that people rely on us to make it a reality.

𝕏 Thread of the week

✉️ Post from this week

This week I wrote about creating products everyone can use. Embracing universal design is no longer a nice-to-have, but a foundational need for today's digital economy:

Designing for everyone: embracing universal design
How to create products everyone can use

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🖋️ Quote of the week

“I'm convinced consistency creates events others call 'luck'” – Jon Brosio