2 min read

[Weekly Retro] Productivity

#55 - Jun.2024

Hi there!

💡 Here is a quick idea for the weekend:

In a world that tends towards more noise and distractions, choosing where to put your attention becomes one of the most valuable skills. 

It is not only about saying no but also to be aware of choosing where you can maximize the value of your contributions.

It is about shifting our perception of productivity: from achieving "many things" to achieving the things that really matter.

✉️ Post from this week

This week I wrote about analogies between art and products and how important is to have a focal point to drive your strategy:

Focal point
#107 - Knowledge bites on tech innovation, design, and creativity. Products need a focal point too. A clear and intuitive value proposition. It’s the anchor that all other experiences orbit around. It’s what makes your product memorable and unique.

👨🏻‍💻 Interesting links I found during this week

10 Papers Every Product Manager Should Read
Most of us associate papers with science and academia. In my experience, the Product, Design, and Program communities overlook papers as a…

📖 Book I’m reading

Interesting behind-the-scenes of the design and engineering culture at Apple during Steve Job’s era. I like the anecdotes and technical details behind some of the most iconic apps:

🖋️ Quote of the week:

“Where your attention goes, your time goes”. – Idowu Koyenikan