3 min read

[Weekly Retro] Roadmaps

#44 - Apr.2024

Happy Friday!

💡 Here is a quick idea before you head off for the weekend:

Stop tracking huge product roadmaps.

Long roadmaps are usually predictions of things you don’t really understand yet from customers.

Huge roadmaps become a distraction.

In fact, an extensive backlog does not mean that your product is in better shape.

Instead, aim for having in your roadmap:

Less, but high-value items;

Items that are meaningful for customers;

Items that will drive your product outcomes;

Items reinforcing the focus of your product strategy;

Items co-created across product, engineering, and design;

Items that are a result of a deep understanding of customer needs.

Everything else is likely to be…


✉️ Post from this week

This week I wrote about the chaotic nature of design and how important is to embrace uncertainty to turn insights into solutions:

#102 - Knowledge bites on tech innovation, design, and creativity. Design is about embracing uncertainty. Uncertainty was part of the design journey. This is why we iterate. This is why we try small experiments. This is why we try to validate assumptions.

👨🏻‍💻 Interesting links I found during this week

Becoming an AI Product Manager
How did I get into AI product management?
New design patterns for AI
16 new design patterns that empower people

🖋️ Quote of the week:

“Execution is not the problem; aligning execution with strategy is!” - Arnoldo Hax