2 min read

[Weekly Retro] Spacial computing

#2 - Jun.2023

Happy Friday! Before you head off for the weekend:

One of the week's most commented (and debated) news was Apple's latest release: Vision Pro. Apple has a strong reputation for creating new markets and changing the way how we interact with technology. Entering the Augmented Reality (AR) world will be for sure a big venture. Not only to convince users about the value of this product (charging $3,499 for this experience) but to prove that AR is not just about bringing the 2D applications from your phone into virtual screens. The contribution from developers in the ecosystem will be key to pulling this off. Opening new product markets means also creating new affordances for interactions and making them natural enough that people consider them the new normal. Think about the iPhone: while they were not totally novel innovations, the iPhone helped the adoption of multiple gestures that today we consider normal: pinch, swipe, scroll, etc. Looking forward to seeing the gestures for the new wave of applications of "spatial computing".

Here are interesting links I found during the week:

Quote from the week:

This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.” — Alan Watts