1 min read

[Weekly Retro] Trust

# 8 - Jul.2023

Happy Friday!

Here is a quick idea before you head off for the weekend:

Trust is the currency for long-term bonds. Is through trust - committing to your promises - that you win your customer's loyalty. Is through trust - being honest and transparent - that you build strong partnerships.

Trust is foundational for any economy. We create social and business bonds by trusting others. These bonds are created slowly...

at every product feature you launch,

at every service that provides a great experience,

at every person you actively listen to create empathy,

at each promise you honor.

Design for trust.

Interesting links I found during this week:

Recommended book:

Quote from the week:

"If the work of the organization involves innovation, connection, or the creation of change, then only humans are going to do that work” — Seth Godin in 'The Song of Significance'