1 min read

[Weekly Retro] Strategy & consistency

# 9 - Jul.2023

Happy Friday!

Here is a quick idea before you head off for the weekend:

Success in any endeavor is a mix of strategy & consistency.

You need both.

Pure strategic thinking will lead you to a strong plan to achieve your goals. But without consistency, you are likely to quit at the first challenge or dip.

You ensure consistency through mechanisms that help you to overcome these challenges. On the other side of the dip, if you persist, you find the very few who endured. You get the payoff from your long-term effort.

Pure consistency without strategy is effort invested in limited impact. It has a high chance of leading you to dead ends.

Strategy + consistency is a powerful combination.

Interesting links I found during this week:

Quote from the week:

"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working” — Picasso