2 min read

[Weekly Retro] What you control and what you don't

#33 - Jan.2024

Hi all!

Here is a quick idea for the weekend:

"What would you do if you knew you would fail?"

This is a great question from Seth Godin. Helps us reflect on the things we have control over and the things that we don't.

It is about focusing on the inputs that we own, rather than the outcomes that are uncertain.

You don't control de number of users that will buy your product. You don't control the reviews from the service you offer. You don't control the revenue of your new e-commerce.

But you control the quality of the product you launch. But you control the experience so that can become memorable. But you control what selection to offer to make your e-commerce unique.

Focus on what you control. The rest is likely to follow.

Interesting links I found during this week:

Experiment I'm doing:

I'm using a CGM to check my glucose throughout the day. I'm not diabetic, but the amount of insights into how your body reacts to what you eat, how you sleep and your stress is impressive.

Quote of the week:

“If the problem can be solved, why worry? And if the problem can’t be solved, then worrying will do you no good." - Shantideva