1 min read

What you don't see

Frontstage vs. backstage design.

#7 - Jun.2021

In service design, there is a common understanding of breaking your service into two components to evaluate the customer's experience: frontstage - or what's visible to the user - and backstage.

In practice, however, I constantly see teams focusing all their energies only on what's visible: product aesthetics, UI, channels, the physical touchpoints of the journey, communication, etc.

Backstage details are as important as what's visible. There is no play without the team behind the curtains. There's no restaurant experience without a great team working in the kitchen. What the customer doesn't see - organization structure, technology, infrastructure, support processes, policies - is also a core element of your service.

An intentional design of your service backstage will help you provide a cohesive experience to your customers.

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