1 min read

Your vision

#25 - Dec.2021

These are days of retrospective and forward-thinking for 2022 plans. Is likely that you are also reviewing your learnings from this year and setting your goals for next. In other words, recalibrating your own vision.

I really like Simon Sinek's mental model on unimagined visions, which I believe applies both in a professional environment (product innovation) and in our personal lives.

We constantly try to fit ourselves into a fixed vision that we imagined, sometimes even emulating others' visions, and we struggle to fit and mold ourselves toward that expectation.

Simon argues that great companies constantly look for the next "fastest simplest thing with the highest probability of success" and, as they learn, they set their new target. Evolution is incremental. You try, you learn and you improve.

This mental model requires the discipline of being open to experimenting and, naturally, to fail. But this is what sets you towards a constant evolution of improvement, opening new horizons and surely exceeding whatever pre-fixed vision you had (your unimagined vision!).

Let us make 2022 a year of incremental evolution toward our best versions.

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